Calm Storm Venture

Source de financement privée


Calm/Storm is an exclusive founder network and boutique venture capital firm. We focus on talents, not industries. We believe in lifelong learning & personal growth, empowering entrepreneurs with unique access to successful founders. We are a fund built by founders for founders

Description de l'organisme

Calm/Storm is an exclusive founder network and boutique venture capital firm. We focus on talents, not industries. We believe in lifelong learning & personal growth, empowering entrepreneurs with unique access to successful founders. We are a fund built by founders for founders.


Marta Mrozowicz

Investment Manager

Analyst at Calm/Storm Ventures

Les sources de financement les plus actives sur Eldorado

Fonds VC

Frst (fka Otium Venture)
Fonds VC

ACF (Atlantique Conseil et Finance)
Family Office

Trois Quatorze.
Family Office

Korelya Capital
Fonds VC

Telecom Booster
Réseau d'investisseurs

Itera Invest
Fonds VC

Fonds VC

Déposer mon dossier

Fonds VC

Calm/Storm Venture

Série : Pre-seed

Secteur(s) d'investissement :

Bien ÊtreSanté, MedTech

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