Project A

Source de financement privée


Project A is an international venture capital firm based in Berlin. We invest in passionate early-stage entrepreneurs and provide them with exclusive access to our team of 100 operational experts in areas such as Software Engineering, Marketing, Product, Design, Communications, Business Intelligence, Sales & Customer Success, Organizational Building, and Talent Acquisition. We believe that cutting-edge infrastructure, a data-driven approach, and a sustainable organizational setup are instrumental to the success of digital companies. And we know: it can be a long and hard journey to get there. Challenges are infinite and resources never feel sufficient – even with the best of teams. As entrepreneurs and operators, we have experienced, how crucial it is to have access to the right support at the right time. That’s why we developed a new approach to venture capital: combining capital and in-depth operational support.

Description de l'organisme

Investing capital and operational expertise in founders who are reshaping their industries

Bene Bono

Hors normes


The Family


Anton Waitz

General Partner at Projec...

Anton Waitz, General Partner at Projec... @ Project A

Les sources de financement les plus actives sur Eldorado

VAeX Capital Partners
Fonds VC

Fonds VC

Société Générale Assurances
Corporate VC

Sofimac Innovation
Fonds VC

Index Ventures
Fonds VC

TechNexus Venture Collaborative
Fonds VC

Fonds VC

BlackSnow Investments
Private Equity

Déposer mon dossier

Fonds VC

Project A

Série : Love Money, Seed, Serie A

Ticket moyen : 800 000 - 3 000 000 €

Secteur(s) d'investissement :

Marketing, CommunicationSoftware

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